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"You can't turn back the clock on your life. Change happens in the now. What I know for sure is that the discovery of all you were meant to be is continual, if you're open to seeing it.

There's an insight I love that comes from a little book called As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen: We do not attract that which we want but that which we are. Not in love with your life? Create something new. Change yourself, then notice everything change." - Oprah Winfrey

“Some books are so good and meaningful that you read them again and again. Primarily because you know the substance and content is so important that you need to be reminded of what it has to say. As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen is just such a book.”  -    Book Review, Michigan Chronicle

"Beyond the New Testament, the Old Testament and other books documenting the beliefs of the greatest religions of the world, there is one little book that impacted my life dramatically during my formative teenage years.  The book is As A Man Thinketh, the most widely acclaimed...book written by James Allen, who might be likened to the Norman Vincent Peale or Earl Nightingale of the late 1800's." - Denis Waitley, author of The Psychology of Winning, the best selling audio program in the world.

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