more than 25 years, Jim Donovan
has worked with individuals and
organizations to implement
strategies for growth.
Jim's sales experience began at a young
age, selling door-to-door and evolved to
starting his own business in 1974
providing sales support and marketing
services to leading companies.
He created, published, and edited the
Bucks Country Business Journal, a
acclaimed regional business publication
and has helped dozens of companies
build their business with his
small business marketing and advertising
services. He
has recently completed a new sales and
marketing book for small
Jim is a frequent speaker to businesses,
trade groups and associations. His
seminars have benefited audiences
nationwide, including banks, medical
practices, accounting firms, small
business groups, chambers of commerce,
women-owned businesses, associations,
high school faculty, government
employees, network marketing companies,
high school and college students,
Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, Chambers of
Commerce, and many others.
He began writing and working in the
field of human performance in 1987 and
has incorporated his personal
development work into his work with
business owners and professionals.
Having first applied these same
techniques to his own life, he has risen
to a
position of international respect and
recognition as a writer, author and
seminar leader and consultant.
Jim's clients have included Fortune 500
corporations, small businesses, and
professional practices.
His seminars inspire audiences to take
charge of their lives, provides them
transformational ideas and strategies
for their success, and inspires them to
create the life of their dreams.
Jim's programs employ proven processes
that synthesize the most effective
tools and methods from the fields of
human performance and quantum physics.
His focus is on helping people
produce extraordinary results and
quantum leaps
and he is a certified Explode Your
Business and Income™ Coach.
As an internationally acclaimed author,
his books have been translated into
seven languages and distributed
worldwide, including This Is Your Life,
Not A
Dress Rehearsal, which offers proven
principles for creating the life of your
dreams. His new book, Handbook to a
Happier Life, has just been released by
New World Library.
Since 1991, he has published an
internationally syndicated newsletter
personal and professional development.
Jim is a popular guest on talk shows
and a regular member of the "brain
trust" for The Small Business Advocate
syndicated radio show. His articles
regularly appear in newspapers and
magazines as well as on the Internet.