As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary on the Web, I guess it’s about time to put a blog up on this site. 🙂
While we’ve had blogs on some of our other sites for going on six years, we just never quite got around to it on our granddaddy of them all site.
But a new decade harkens and I know that many of our subscribers who’ve asked for this over the years will now sit back and say, “it’s about time!”
So we’re off and running! And our first order of business is to get you some great content from our first 10 years.
So stay tuned for some great audios from Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor, Denis Waitley, yours truly and more.
And now, more than ever, we really do appreciate you supporting our site 🙂
– Vic
P.S. Your comments and input are always welcome and we’d be honored if you’d share our site with your Facebook, Twitter and other friends!
{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }
Great Jim Rohn, I love his words, his wisdom, he is pure energy,
unforgetable,thanks for this gift.
Vic & Lisa,
I just wanted to quickly say, Thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do. Congratulations on 10 wonderful years, I wish you and your family much more happiness and success throughout the years.
Congratulations and Bravo!
You may now take your bow.
Stop! That’s enough! You don’t want to be
mistaken for someone craving mass praise
and adulation or worse; a fellow asking for
publicly posted words of encouragement.
That would be so NEEDY!
Job well done!
its great infomation to start a year with such great insight in mind
How great to listen to this wonderful man speak. Jim was there to teach. And I’m learning.
Vic CONGRATULATIONS on 10 years! Huge milestone. Appreciate ALL that you do and share!
Thank you for sharing Jim’s ideas. So profoundly simple. I look forward to tomorrow’s “gift.”
Congratulations on 10 successful years! Hope you enjoy many more.
Thank you for this gift. I have only heard John Rohn speak briefly a few times, but I have been impressed with the strength and wisdom in what he says. I am actually suffering from stinking thinking, or addictive, undesciplined behaviour, aaargh, so let me listen to this and make that change. Thank you C.
Good Morning Vic..
A perfect reminder to “set” the COURSE for 2011..
Thank you and have a great Year.. !
Ray Pfob
Wow! 10 years. And what a great achievement! Jan 12 also happens to my birthday, although I’m a little older than 10! Congratulations to Vic and Lisa. I’m looking forward to the next week immensely!
And thanks for the Jim Rohn gift.
Hi Vic,
You have really shared some great things and my family and myself have been enriched for life. Thank you so much for the work and the sharing that you do. You have really done some special things for me personally as I go on my journey of life and wealth creation.
Thank you Vic for encouraging and inspiring us for 10 years. I appreciate all of the resources you have provided.
Del Hickson
Hello Vic,
Thanks for the gifts – really like the inspiration. It’s always important to be reminded to keep going. I wrote my first ebook and it’s for sale on my website and Amazon! It will be amazingly cool when someone buys a copy. 🙂 Thanks for changing my life for the better and encouraging me to use my God given talents.
Happy anniversary Vic and thanks a lot for the gift!
Jim Rohn is one of my all time favorites, and definitely left giant footprints in the sands of time.
Its our turn to make our lives count. Thank you and God bless
Happy New Decade!
Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. More grease to your elbow. I always always enjoy your daily insights. Keep it up.
Hi Vic,
A big congrat to you and your team. I have been enjoying your work. I sent you an email two months but no reply. Kindly read and reply to make my celebration of your 10 years complete.
Hi Babs, thanks for your comment. Please re-send your email to All the best!
Hi Vic and Lisa,
Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. Thank you for bringing Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor and many others into my life. I still read As A Man Thinketh regularly. Thank you for the impact you have made on my life. A toast to the next 10 years. Hugs,
Congratulation !!, I m happy to have you as my mentor. I may not have money to give you but you what? God will reward in hundred folds. THANK YOU.
Vic, thank you so much for all the Free things you enable us to read and hear. I think this is Great! Thanks again. Sandra M
Happy Birthday to you. Vic, you have inspired me from the first day I decided to join As a Man…. and Congratulations on the Much needed New Blog!
Bravo ! And thank you for your generosity.
Hi Vic and Lisa,
Congratulations on your 10th anniversary, and thanks voor de gifts and inspiration.
Wish you and your team al my best for the next 10 years!
Best regards,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY.Congratulation .Thanx for the service.God reward you.
Hi Vic,
Some people are teachers, some are coaches, some are mentors, some are encouragers, some are motivational speakers, some are writers/authors. I have found out, YOU ARE WIRED FOR ALL OF THE THEM. CONGRATS. MAY THE GOOD LORD GIVE YOU STRENGTH AND BLESS YOU NOW AND BEYOND.
Great to be 10 years. And even greater to be part of the growth. Congrats Vic and Lisa. Great job! Thanks a million for those wonderful self-development products from your shelf all the time. God bless all your efforts.
I pray that as you look forward to a new decade, your vision will be broadened and sharper thank ever before. Amen.
And thanks for the gifts.
Love you all.