Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, he holds the key to every situation. ~ James Allen
Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, he holds the key to every situation. ~ James Allen
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This is the single most important book I have ever read. The theme i that you are and you get what you think!!
Let me see sounds like it makes sense imagine that in today’s crazy world.
“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he ” Proverbs 23:7
Thank you, Grey…
Have owned this book for years and now I have it on my Kindle.
The most dangerous thing a man possesses is his mind it will make or break you the only thing you cannot accomplish is that which you will not attempt.Bob Garber