Weeding Your Thoughts

Weeding Your Thoughts

Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. ~ James Allen

{ 33 comments… read them below or add one }

Aashee Rose


Aashee Rose


Jožef Puklavec

And that is worth thinking about.

Jožef Puklavec

And that is worth thinking about.

Adam Chinowaita

evry1 is a selfmade man

Adam Chinowaita

evry1 is a selfmade man

Adam Chinowaita

evry1 is a selfmade man

Adam Chinowaita

evry1 is a selfmade man

Marcia Directmysteps Byrd

Thank You! Well needed words of Wisdom!

Marcia Directmysteps Byrd

Thank You! Well needed words of Wisdom!

Ronald E Dick

I have this on my Kindle (free)

Ronald E Dick

I have this on my Kindle (free)

Ronald E Dick

John, you might like Bach’s Hypnotizing Maria.

Ronald E Dick

John, you might like Bach’s Hypnotizing Maria.

Stephen Core Ssm

Hosea talks about dis hosea 10:12

Stephen Core Ssm

Hosea talks about dis hosea 10:12

William Mugerwa

Truer words were never spoken. Of course, this is also noted in the greatest book ever written. Proverbs 23:7 essentially says the same thing.

William Mugerwa

Truer words were never spoken. Of course, this is also noted in the greatest book ever written. Proverbs 23:7 essentially says the same thing.

Tshepo Mahlangu

Tell the truth, it hurts sometimes, but one thing is clear, it does not care.

Tshepo Mahlangu

Tell the truth, it hurts sometimes, but one thing is clear, it does not care.

Blessed Ziyambe

this is gr8,the garden of thiought shud not be left unattended

Blessed Ziyambe

this is gr8,the garden of thiought shud not be left unattended

Jo Hearn

Ok, why use 5 words when you can use 500

Jo Hearn

Ok, why use 5 words when you can use 500

Yogesh Pathak

this book is a must read

Yogesh Pathak

this book is a must read

Amer Dahi

Il faut cultiver notre jardin. – Voltaire (Candide)

Amer Dahi

Il faut cultiver notre jardin. – Voltaire (Candide)

Amer Dahi

Vex not thy spirit at the course of things; they heed not thy vexation. – Marcus Aurelius

Betty Benoliel Snyder

I like this wisdom.

Betty Benoliel Snyder

I like this wisdom.

Veleleni Mashumi

Many a man would rather die than think. How many have died without never having thought!

Veleleni Mashumi

Many a man would rather die than think. How many have died without never having thought!

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