As A Man Thinketh

Discovering Knowledge

July 24, 2013

Only by patience, practice, and ceaseless importunity can a man enter the Door of the Temple of Knowledge. ~ James Allen

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You Are In Charge

July 21, 2013

Man is always the master, even in his weaker and most abandoned state. ~James Allen

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You Hold The Key

July 18, 2013

As a being of Power, Intelligence, and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills. ~ James Allen

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You Shape Your Life

July 15, 2013

Man is the master of thought, the moulder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny. ~ James Allen

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You Make Yourself

July 12, 2013

Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. ~ James Allen

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Weeding Your Thoughts

July 9, 2013

Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. ~ […]

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FREE Think and Grow Rich Book

July 7, 2013

Here’s another classic book that’s available as a FREE paperback (270+ pages). Napoleon Hill’s blockbuster, Think and Grow Rich, is at .

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