One of the worst days of my life:

I still recall it very vividly. In downtown Nashville for a business convention, I was walking back to my hotel from the auditorium. Though not overly steep, some of the streets in downtown Nashville are at a significant incline (and decline). Although I had walked just a few blocks, my twenty-plus years of doing nothing about my health had finally caught up with me.

As my breathing became very difficult and labored, my face grew flush and I became very dizzy. Finding no place to sit down, all I could do was stand there on the street, looking at how far I still had to climb. It was one of the most miserable and helpless feelings I have ever felt.

Eventually I made it up the hill and into my room huffing and puffing all the way. Sitting down on the bed, I looked up and was looking directly into a mirror and again experienced a miserable feeling at what I saw.

That was one miserable day BUT… led to….

One of the best days of my life:

Coming home from Nashville I made a vow that my health was going to become a high priority in my life. I made the irrevocable promise to myself that I was going to have to devote time to taking care of my body or else there would be someone else taking care of it (like the mortician).

I have mostly kept that promise even through some periods where I didn’t spend as much time as I should. I’ve still got a long way to go to reach my goals but I have no doubt I will because I don’t like the option.

This summer I was working out with my youngest son and some of his friends. That’s been a habit for quite a while and it’s helped me to reach a level of strength that is actually stronger than I was when I was a collegiate athlete. One day while I was in the middle of a bench press I heard my son say to one of his buddies, “that’s a fifty-year-old man doing that!” There was an obvious pride in his voice and it had a big impact on me because he had also been with me in the gym for my first workout in twenty-five years.  He has witnessed the change and I know it will have a long-time impact on his own health.

Why the story?

Because I know there are a lot of folks who are in the same shape I was in that day in Nashville. If that’s you --- if you know in your heart of hearts that you’ve got to do something now about your health, then stop whatever you’re doing and check out Fit Over 40. It’s a great program by my friend Tom Venuto and his partner Jon Benson.

I’ve known Tom for several years and he has a phenomenal background in fitness, including the number one diet and number one fitness book at Clickbank. When you see how Jon used to look as compared to his physique today, you’ll know that this “how to” book was written by someone who’s actually done what they’re preaching.

As James Allen writes, “A person is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being.” If you don’t already have a plan that’s working, I hope you’ll take a moment now to learn more about Fit Over 40.  I'd really like to have you as a subscriber for many, many more years to come :-)

As always, thanks for supporting our site!

Vic Johnson

P.S. Tom told me that two of the bonuses are worth the cost of the program by themselves. First there’s Menopause, Hormones And Fitness: One Woman’s Incredible Journey To Become "The Fittest Female At 50". And for us guys there’s The Best Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone By Men’s Health Expert, Christian Finn. Learn more about them and Fit Over 40 now…