The Jim Rohn Weekend Leadership Event
(with special guests Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and More)!

After three years of waiting and anticipation - it is here - Jim Rohn 'live' for three incredible days!

The Jim Rohn Weekend Leadership Event (with special guests Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and More)!

Be one of the first 300 to enroll and receive a bonus VIP Breakfast, preferred seating and introductory offer pricing.

The Jim Rohn Weekend Leadership Event has come to be regarded as one of the most results oriented events ever created. Testimonials number in the thousands from past attendees including Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen and 100's of CEO's and entrepreneurs who have referenced this weekend as a pivotal turning point in their careers.

I was a platinum attendee in Dallas in June of 2001. It was the single most outstanding personal development event I've had the privilege of attending. I've been looking for the delivery to share the material with my staff. -- Jerry Hemmerle

I attended the last weekend event in Dallas 2001 and sat on the front row. It was fantastic! -- Rhonda Holden

Where/When for the 2004 Weekend Event?

Anaheim, California on July 30 – July 31, 2004
8:30 - 5:00 each day - Plus many bonus events!

Plus special Bonus 3rd Day on August 1, 2004!
(Also see bonuses below for early registrations)

Why must you attend this 'Live' 2-Day event (with a bonus 3rd day)?

More than just listening to a tape series, reading a book or attending a seminar - this is a life-altering event. Three days devoted by you and by Jim Rohn to do one thing - to equip you with the necessary tools needed to design a life that will be memorable, remarkable and ultimately a masterpiece. The 'being there' experience is truly 90% of the effect. Similar to attending a theatrical production, a concert by Luciano Pavarotti or Barbara Streisand (or the Beatles in the 60's) or being at a Super Bowl or Olympics - it is the being there that magnifies the experience. It is the dynamic combination of your focus, Jim's focus, the energy and synergy in the room, the mastermind experience with other top performers from all over the world and the experience that you get to carry and pass on the rest of your life that makes this Weekend Seminar Event a truly unique experience - not to be missed.

We have had literally thousands of letters and phone calls over the years from former Weekend Seminar attendees who had, prior to attending the 2-day, seen Mr. Rohn multiple times in seminar and had listened to his tapes over and over again - but when they attended the Weekend experience and invested 2 solid days to feed upon Jim's message, philosophies, stories and ideas it catapulted their careers and lives to a new level. Plus we have a very special bonus 3rd day – see details below.

What is the focus of the weekend experience? If we had to summarize the event in one sentence - The Jim Rohn Weekend is about designing a unique life. Yes, financial and personal success and much, much more are an integral part of that. But Jim Rohn will focus for 2 days on pouring out the wisdom and fundamentals that will enable you to mold a personal philosophy that will take hold and literally begin affecting your thinking and daily habits immediately.

Day One is exclusively devoted to forming your philosophies. And from those philosophies creating a life plan for both personal and human development. Jim, the master communicator, also lays out the fundamentals of being a master communicator - in business, family and life.

With this powerful foundation laid, Day Two is focused on Goal Setting, Financial Independence, Leadership and Making Your Life a Masterpiece.

The powerful combination of truth and in-depth ideas, the magic of hearing Jim's wisdom in person, the synergistic concentration of the attendees to receive with focused purpose all comes to a crescendo in the Saturday afternoon session. The last half of Day Two you can hear a pin drop. Every word from the podium is simultaneously absorbed and translated to paper. As Jim closes and speaks his last words to sustained minutes of applause and a standing ovation there is then a lingering in the audience to stay and hang around - not to lose the experience. But they don't lose it, in fact when they write, call or email their stories to us days, weeks and years later it is just as clear and vivid as it was the day they attended. The difference - today they call to say 'thank you' and to share their own incredible stories of accomplishment. And often they ask for the next available date to attend one more time.

Will you ever have another chance to experience an event of this magnitude again? Remember this is a rare event. Jim only does a Weekend Event every 2-4 years. When and where the next one will be is undecided (the last one was June 2001 in Dallas, Texas – it was outstanding and we had people from over 20 countries in attendance!), but late 2006 or 2007 would be the projected earliest date. How many times do we get an opportunity to attend in person for 2 days and harvest the wealth of words offered by a master such as Jim Rohn? How often do we get to be in a room with other powerful and focused individuals in the world of success? Is this a weekend that could be labeled priceless? For those in attendance it very well could be.

In addition to Jim we will have Chris Widener hosting both days. Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams. Chris is also an integral part of the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan not only as a weekly contributor but has also conducted the majority of the monthly conference calls as well. Not only will Chris be entertaining, he will deliver insightful ideas and tips throughout both days. Chris will also head up a special forty-five minute session Saturday morning along with Donna Krech and T.C. Cummings that will focus on how to tap into and release your storehouse of talent and success.

Plus two very special guests will join Jim for this historic event – Denis Waitley (Friday 10:30 – 12:30) and Brian Tracy (Saturday 9:30 – 12:30). We will also offer several bonus sessions including a special teenager session (with Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley and Chris Widener), a powerful 3rd day that will include 2 special sessions and a round table discussion along with a Q & A with Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones and more – see details below for a complete seminar schedule of events.

What is the Investment?

We have put together 3 unique packages that allows anyone to attend for a modest investment of a few hundred dollars up to a Platinum package that includes front center seating, VIP lunches with Jim, Denis and Brian, a reception with Jim, a limited edition leather journal, 18 hours of the entire 3 days on CD and more.

We will also have a special teenager session, a special VIP breakfast (for those who qualify) and also dozens of drawings and unique prizes for attendees. And a bonus 3rd day! Our 2001 event offered this same Bonus Day, but it was only for the Platinum attendees. It was so powerful and such a special experience that this time we want to include it with all 3 packages – see details below.

Special incentives are reserved for those who respond the earliest to this invitation (including preferred seating, VIP Breakfast and introductory offer pricing).

If you are interested in joining us for this historic event with Jim Rohn as he celebrates his seventh decade of an extraordinary life and his 39th year of lecturing and want more details on all the above mentioned opportunities please read through the list of topics below to find everything you need to know.

We hope to see you there!


P.S. The first 100 to sign up receive preferred seating in their section and the first 300 to sign up receive the VIP breakfast with Vic Johnson (first 100 enrollees receive signed book from Vic).

P.P.S. Additional bonus sessions will include (from left to right) Jerry Clark, Donna Krech, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones and Vic Johnson

Event details:

1) 3 Packages and Pricing
2) Event Schedule and Topics
3) Hotel Options
4) Bringing a Group
5) Rave Reviews and Testimonials
6) 10 Lifetime Benefits
7) Special Message from Jim Rohn
8) Final Thoughts

1) 3 Packages and Pricing

Package 1 - Silver

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section C Seating
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session

Total Value $2299

Your Investment $395*

Spouse/Additional Family Member $195*

Teenager $99 with the purchase of one Silver ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1st). Also when you register in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session for Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Silver Package registrations receive reserved seating in section C.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Package 2 – Gold

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section B Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Receive Limited Edition Jim Rohn Leather Journal
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session
Receive the entire Three Days recorded live on CD

Total Value $3549

Your Investment $695*

Spouse/Additional Family Member $395*

Teenager $99 with the purchase of one Gold ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Gold Package registrations receive reserved seating in section B.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.

Package 3 - Platinum

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section A Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Receive Limited Edition Jim Rohn Leather Journal
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session
Receive the entire Three Days recorded live on CD
Attend Friday and Saturday VIP lunch with Jim Rohn and special guest Denis Waitley on Friday and Brian Tracy on Saturday
Attend Saturday night Platinum and One-Year Success Plan Reception with Jim and special VIP guests (includes mix and mingle, appetizers, drinks and photo opportunity with Jim).

Total Value $4995

Your Investment $1295*

Spouse/Additional Family Member $695*

Teenager $99 with the purchase of one Platinum ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Platinum Package registrations receive reserved seating in section A.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.

2) Schedule

Friday July 30, 2004

8:30 - 10:15         Intro/Jim Rohn - Success Equations and Personal Development
10:30 - 12:30   Denis Waitley - Leadership in Action - How to Outthink, Outperform, Outserve and Outlast the Competition
12:30 - 1:30 VIP Lunch (Platinums) - Q and A with Jim Rohn and Denis Waitley
1:45 - 3:15 Jim Rohn - Communication and The Art of Persuasion
3:30 - 5:00 Jim Rohn - Communication and The Art of Persuasion (cont’d.)

Bonus Session (open to all)  

5:15 - 6:15 Special Teenager Session - The Winning Generation: Why Now is the Best Time in
History To Be a Teenager in This or Any Country, hosted by Denis Waitley, Jim Rohn and Chris Widener

Saturday July 31, 2004

Bonus Session - Reserved for first 300 to sign-up for the Event

7:15 - 8:15 VIP Breakfast (open to first 300 people to sign up for the event) – Vic Johnson shares on "No Dream Too Big" including Lessons learned from John Goddard, the "real-life Indiana Jones". Also includes signed book by Vic

8:30 - 9:15 Donna Krech - The Victory Principle, Chris Widener - Secrets of Influence and T.C. Cummings - Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations
9:15 - 10:15 Brian Tracy - Getting Rich Your Way: Learn How Millions of Americans Go From Rags to Riches in One Generation, Starting with Nothing
10:30 - 12:30 Brian Tracy - Getting Rich Your Way (cont’d.)
12:30 - 1:30 VIP Lunch (Platinum's) - Q and A with Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy
1:45 - 3:15 Jim Rohn - Goals Workshop, Designing the Next Ten Years
3:30 - 5:00 Jim Rohn - Financial Independence and Leadership, Touching Others Lives
5:30 - 7:00 Special Platinum and One-Year Member Reception with Jim Rohn, guest speakers and staff

Sunday August 1, 2004

Bonus Day - Open to All Attendees

9:00 - 9:30      Jerry Clark - Magic of Colors, Gain Instant Rapport with Those You Meet and Get New Skills that Will Help You Effectively Lead Thousands
9:30 - 10:00 Charlie “Tremendous” Jones - Life is Tremendous!
10:15 - 12:00 Speakers Roundtable – Q & A featuring Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Donna Krech, Jerry Clark and Vic Johnson - Plus Audience Participation
12:15 - 1:30 Speakers Roundtable (cont’d.)

3) Hotel options.

a) It is strongly suggested that you stay at our host hotel – The Anaheim Marriott Hotel.

b) The Anaheim Marriott Hotel is a Top-Rated, Full-Service Hotel. Rack rate normally starts at $340.00. Mention “Jim Rohn” and receive highly discounted rate of $99 for single or double occupancy and only $20 for each additional person per night.

c) The Anaheim Marriott Hotel also features two outdoor heated pools, a fitness center and boasts a variety of dining options including JW’s Steakhouse, Café Del Sol, Starbucks/Marketplace, Degrees Wine and Patio Bar and Pizza Hut as well as In-Room dining.

d) The Anaheim Marriott is located just one block south of Disneyland Resort and minutes from the entertainment, dining and shopping at Downtown Disney district.

e) Recently having undergone a $25 million dollar transformation, The Marriott features refreshing fountains, majestic palms and tropical foliage. First class concierge guest service creates an enhanced guest experience from the moment of arrival. Guestrooms have been redesigned with luxurious bedding (Marriott’s “SleepWell” seven-inch quilted top mattress, down comforters and feather pillows), marble baths and state-of-the-art technology including cable TV, high-speed internet access, in-room safes, refrigerators, iron and ironing boards and more to make your stay an enjoyable and relaxing experience.

f) For reservations call 800-228-9290 or call The Anaheim Marriott group reservations directly at 714-750-8000 x3151. Make sure and mention “Jim Rohn” to receive our special $99 rate. Room reservations must be made on or before July 9, 2004 to receive our special discounted rate.

4) Bringing a Group

If you are interested in bringing a group of 10, 25 or 50 please contact Hilary Overpeck directly for special pricing and upgrades. Call 800-929-0434 between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm CTS or email her directly at

Group Ticket Pricing:

Purchase 10 tickets (any package level – Silver, Gold or Platinum) – Receive 1 free ticket (same value) and 2 free upgrades to the next package level.

Purchase 25 tickets (any package level – Silver, Gold or Platinum) – Receive 3 free tickets (same value) and 5 free upgrades to the next package level.

Purchase 50 tickets (any package level – Silver, Gold or Platinum) – Receive 7 free tickets (same value) and 10 free upgrades to the next package level.

5) Rave Reviews and Testimonials

Samplings from Over 1,000 Testimonials Taken From Previous Two-Day Events

"Best two days of power packed ideas I've ever had the pleasure of attending. Jim Rohn has no peer, he is amazing." -- James J. Basak - Principle, Sun America Securities, Inc.

"It was an excellent experience-worth the trip from New York, hotel, seminar fees and time off work!! I'm willing to go anywhere to hear more and share with my friends." -- Lament Raynor - President, Passion, Success, Testimony

"Jim is a master teacher, his philosophy has changed my life. I share his powerful principles with all those whose lives I want to enhance in some way. His message is so succinct it becomes part of your subconscious and is easy to instantly recall." -- Toni Brezel - Starlight International

"Life changing experience! I was concerned with the time I was spending here versus developing my monthly quota. Wow! I can't wait to reset that quota now, along with all my goals. Thank you. I look forward to my future filled with rewards. Thank you for opening my eyes." -- Vicki L. Zant - Family Service Counselor, Service Corp. Int'l

"I brought my 9 year old son who took 26 pages of notes. You can't believe the difference this will make in his life. As a speaker myself, I learned many ways to improve my skills." -- Jay Block - President, The Jay Block Companies, Inc.

"This was my first time to experience Jim Rohn live, in person. It has been a tremendous, life changing two days for me." -- Kathleen Kovach

"I met Jim Rohn in Tulsa in 1983. I have been a student of his teaching since that time. My bank account is 50 times what it was then. Thanks!! I brought 4 people with me. This has been exceptional!!" -- Janell Whitby - Owner, Janell Whitby School of Music

"Jim Rohn is masterful. His insights and inspiration to reach the high ground through his own personal example is invaluable. I applaud his excellence." -- Patrick Dempsey - Senior Regional Mgr, Primerica Financial Services

"Words cannot express the wealth of wisdom, information and just 'great stuff' to carry me throughout my life." -- Lavonia W. Heade

"This has been a priceless 'thump' in the heart and soul!! As a ten-year goal (to see Jim live for extended training) the price was pennies." -- Debbie Garner - Owner/Founder, Survive Institute

"This seminar has opened my eyes to a different view of my present & future endeavors in all aspects of my life. This truly was worth my time and money. Thank you." -- Chris Buchanan

"Uplifting and thought provoking. Jim's tapes have made changes in my life. This seminar makes the tapes come alive." -- Don Smith - Tech Manager, A.T.&T.

"Jim Rohn - 3rd time to see - each year following, my income has gone up." -- Ralph Percival - Owner, Engineered Products

"Unbelievable!! This was a class act!! Jim was better than ever! Thank you!" -- Jeff Wadsworth - MetLife

"I've put an extra $57,000 in my bank account as a direct result of the principles I learned at the last Jim Rohn 2-day seminar. In addition to the cash inflow, I have several pending contracts with major corporations that will result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in new business. What Jim teaches works. He is a living example of it, and I will be one of his great success stories." -- James W. Dyer - President, Pocket-it Organizers

6) 10 Lifetime Rewards for Attending The Jim Rohn Weekend Leadership Event!

1. You will be able to create wealth and attain financial independence.

2. You will set and achieve goals on an ongoing basis.

3. You will refine your present philosophy thus affecting every aspect of your life.

4. You will learn to make better decisions on how to use your most valuable asset - time.

5. You will become a more powerful leader and communicator in your personal, business and family life.

6. You will rediscover your hidden talents and strengths.

7. You will take permanent responsibility of your life and learn to tear up your blame list.

8. You will become more disciplined - the pain of discipline versus the pain of regret.

9. You will learn to help others achieve their goals.

10. You will start making your life a masterpiece.

7) Special Message from Jim Rohn

A Message from Jim Rohn

"I have had the good fortune of watching people from across America and around the world make one of life's most important discoveries - that they can have more than they've got, be more than they are and recapture the ambition and excitement they once had. The process isn't all that difficult. It's a matter of reassessment of where we've been, of what we are, and of deciding how we want the rest of our lives to turn out.

But too many of us get so absorbed in the process of earning a living that we forget about designing our lives. We look for answers instead of being inspired by strong reasons. We respond to our circumstances instead of using the ability we have to create new and better circumstances. You see, we don't need more experience. We already have all that we need in order to attract all that we want. The answer isn't found in needing more, it's found in becoming more, and I'd like to have the chance to share two days with you during which you'll discover the magic you already have.

It's going to be a remarkable weekend. It's going to be a new beginning for you. Life won't ever be the same for you once you've discovered what success is really all about.

Let's spend the weekend putting together your better future! Let's start the process of designing the life you've always wanted. Let's go do something remarkable.

Jim Rohn

8) Final Thoughts

Jim Rohn's seminars around the world have conveyed one major theme: The Possibilities for Life Change are Unlimited. This is the most significant seminar you will ever attend.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get to know one of the most acclaimed and revered philosophical teachers of our time. This is a no-nonsense, bottom line, step-by-step approach for achieving your potential. Jim Rohn's capacity for getting to core issues is purely spectacular.

The insights that you will experience as a result of Jim's teachings will enable you to discover the path to your own personal achievement. You can realize personal success... and at a level that is above and beyond ordinary expectations.

Seize the day... there is no better time than now!

Let Jim Rohn inspire you to make a positive change in your life and really go the distance on the path to success and happiness. Discover how to fuel the engines of change and bring about the realization of your dreams. You can achieve your aspirations and there is no better time to do it than now!

Anaheim, California on July 30 – July 31, 2004
8:30 - 5:00 each day - Plus many bonus events!

Plus special Bonus 3rd Day on August 1, 2004!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please make your selections from the Product Buttons below.



 Package 1 - Silver Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section C Seating
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session

Total Value $2299

Your Investment $395*

Spouse/Additional Family Member $195* - See Next Item

Teenager Ticket - $99 with the purchase of one Silver Ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1st). Also when you register in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session for Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Silver Package registrations receive reserved seating in Section C.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.


Register Silver Package $395  



 Package 1 - Spouse/Family Member Silver Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section C Seating
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session

Spouse/Additional Family Member $195* with the Purchase of one Silver Ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1st). Also when you register in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session for Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Silver Package registrations receive reserved seating in Section C.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.


Register Additional Silver $195  


 Package 1 - Teenager Ticket - Silver Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section C Seating
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session

*Teenager Ticket - $99 with the Purchase of one Silver Ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1st). Also when you register in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session for Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Silver Package registrations receive reserved seating in Section C.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.


Register Silver Teenager $99  


 Package 2 - Gold Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section B Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Receive Limited Edition Jim Rohn Leather Journal
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session
Receive the entire Three Days recorded live on CD

Total Value $3549

Your Investment $695*

Spouse/Additional Family Member $395*

Teenager Ticket - $99 with the purchase of one Gold ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Gold Package registrations receive reserved seating in section B.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.


Register Gold Package $695:  


 Package 2 - Spouse/Family Member - Gold Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section B Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Receive Limited Edition Jim Rohn Leather Journal
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Gold Package registrations receive reserved seating in section B.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.


Register Additional Gold $395 


 Package 2 - Teenager Ticket - Gold Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section B Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session

Teenager Ticket - $99 with the purchase of One Gold Ticket*

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Gold Package registrations receive reserved seating in section B.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.


Register Gold Teenager $99  


 Package 3 - Platinum Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section A Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Receive Limited Edition Jim Rohn Leather Journal
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session
Receive the entire Three Days recorded live on CD
Attend Friday and Saturday VIP lunch with Jim Rohn and special guest Denis Waitley on Friday and Brian Tracy on Saturday
Attend Saturday night Platinum and One-Year Success Plan Reception with Jim and special VIP guests (includes mix and mingle, appetizers, drinks and photo opportunity with Jim).

Total Value $4995

Your Investment $1295*

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Platinum Package registrations receive reserved seating in section A.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.


Register Platinum Package $1295:  


Package 3 - Spouse/Family Member Platinum Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section A Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Receive Limited Edition Jim Rohn Leather Journal
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session
Attend Friday and Saturday VIP lunch with Jim Rohn and special guest Denis Waitley on Friday and Brian Tracy on Saturday
Attend Saturday night Platinum and One-Year Success Plan Reception with Jim and special VIP guests (includes mix and mingle, appetizers, drinks and photo opportunity with Jim).

Spouse/Additional Family Member $695 with the Purchase of one Platinum Ticket*

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Platinum Package registrations receive reserved seating in section A.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.


Register Additional Platinum $695  


 Package 3 - Teenager Ticket - Platinum Package - Jim Rohn Leadership Weekend Event

Attend the Jim Rohn Weekend Event
Section A Seating (for all 3 days)
Receive Limited Edition Workbook/Binder and Certificate
Plus Bonus 3rd Day Session
Attend Friday and Saturday VIP lunch with Jim Rohn and special guest Denis Waitley on Friday and Brian Tracy on Saturday
Attend Saturday night Platinum and One-Year Success Plan Reception with Jim and special VIP guests (includes mix and mingle, appetizers, drinks and photo opportunity with Jim).

Teenager Ticket - $99 with the purchase of one Platinum Ticket

* This price is good for the month of April (tuition subject to increase May 1). Also when registering in the month of April you will receive a Free VIP Breakfast Session Saturday, July 31st from 7:15-8:15 am hosted by Vic Johnson (limited to first 300 registrants). Vic will be speaking on the topic of, “No Dream Too Big” and will share powerful ideas on setting your goals and creating your future. The first 100 registrants will also receive a signed copy of Vic’s book, “Day By Day” (Book not included with Additional Family Members and Teenager tickets). Also the first 100 Platinum Package registrations receive reserved seating in section A.

Seating preferences are assigned on a first sign-up basis and will be assigned when tickets are mailed out on June 1st.

Limited Edition Leather Journal not included with Teenager ticket. CD's are not included with Additional Family member or Teenager ticket.


Register Platinum Teenager $99