Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
Most contemporary personal development authors and teachers credit this little book for providing foundation to their principles. It is a set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts.
Earl Nightingale, widely regarded as the father of modern day personal development, in his best-selling recording, called the ideas in this book, "The Strangest Secret". The secret, he said, is "we become what we think about".
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Welcome To Our Site
Vic Johnson
Founder, AsAManThinketh.net
Dear Friend,
Hello, I’m Vic Johnson and I appreciate you stopping by our site.
I know what it’s like to be searching. I know what it’s like for “the bottom to fall out.” Between 1994-1997 I experienced more “character building” days than any other time of my life. Because my earlier success in life had been based on a foundation of misguided principles, I now faced severe personal challenges on several fronts of my life. During that time I moved in and out of a deep depression. While I never totally despaired, it was knocking at my door. I now understood what the saint meant by the “dark night of the soul.”
When I picked As A Man Thinketh off my bookshelf and began to read it, I couldn’t put it down. I read it through in one sitting, which isn’t too hard to do. The first time through I highlighted the key thoughts. On my second reading I began to underline additional passages that suddenly jumped off the page. By the third reading it was a marked up mess, testifying to the tremendous distillation of wisdom that Allen leaves with us. There is an oft-used expression “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” There is no doubt I was ready, and there is no doubt that James Allen was to be my teacher. I had a child-like feeling of discovery. That feeling, a satisfaction, that comes with encountering something new and delicious. In short, “it clicked.”
I have dramatically turned my life in an exciting direction. I have enjoyed more success and happiness in the last few years than in my entire life combined. All of the resources recommended on this site have been personally used by me and they are resources that have brought me to this point in my journey.
I hope As A Man Thinketh will have an impact on your life and I hope you’ll return often to our website.
I look forward to walking the path together.
Vic Johnson
What Others Say About As A Man Thinketh
Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator Chicken Soup for the Soul
"I have personally read As a Man Thinketh over 25 times. This book elevated my soul. Timeless material."
Bob Proctor, Star of The Secret
In a very short book, he’s got a library of material in there. I believe anybody who reads this book every day for a month will have their lives changed by it.
Oprah Winfrey, Founder, OWN Network
We do not attract that which we want but that which we are. Not in love with your life? Create something new. Change yourself, then notice everything change.
Denis Waitley, 16-Time International Best Selling Author
Beyond the New Testament, the Old Testament and other books documenting the beliefs of the greatest religions of the world, there is one little book that impacted my life dramatically during my formative teenage years. The book is As A Man Thinketh.
Who Was James Allen?
Although his book, As A Man Thinketh, has inspired millions around the world and been a major influence in the self-improvement industry, very little is known about its author, James Allen.
He was born in Leicester, England in 1864 and worked as a personal secretary for an executive of a large English corporation until 1902. At the age of 38 he “retired” to writing and moved with his wife to a small cottage at Ilfracombe, England. He penned more than 20 works before suddenly passing away at the age of 48.
As A Man Thinketh has influenced many contemporary writers including Norman Vincent Peale, Earl Nightingale, Denis Waitley and Tony Robbins, among others.
His “little volume”, as he called it, has been translated into five major languages, inspiring millions of readers to recognize that man’s visions can become reality, simply through the power of thought.